
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sathyagirisvarar Temple, Thirumayam – The Temple

Sathyagirisvarar Temple, Thirumayam – The Temple

The temple consists of rock cut cave shrine and maha mandapam. Balipeedam, Dwaja Sthambam and Nandi can be seen facing towards the sanctum. The rock cut cave shrine consist of sanctum, ardha mandapam and a façade. The rock cut cave shrine is excavated on the southern façade of the Sathyagiri hill. The façade has two pillars and two pilasters. The pillars and pilasters have cubical base & top and intervening octagonal section. The cubical faces at the top and bottom are carved with lotus medallions.

The eastern lateral wall of the ardha mandapa is carved with an image of Lingodbhava. The image represents Lord Shiva emerging from the pillar of flames. He is shown with two arms. One hand shows varada hastha and another resting over his waist. Nandi can be found seated on a platform facing towards the sanctum. The sanctum is excavated on the western lateral wall. The sanctum can be reached after a flight of four steps. The sanctum is square on plan. The sanctum is guarded by dvarapalas on either side.

The southern dvarapala is two armed. The right hand rests above the club and the left hand is in lola hasta mudra. A protrusion seen above his headdress suggests that this dvarapala might represent the ayudha-purusha of Shiva, trisula (trident). The northern dvarapala is two armed and does not carry any weapon. His one hand rests over his waist while another hand is raised up with palm facing front. He is shown standing in tri-bhanga-mudra. A protrusion seen above his headdress suggests that this dvarapala might represent another ayudha-purusha of Shiva, parasu (axe).

Idols of Vinayaga and Murugan can also be seen at the entrance of the sanctum on either side. The sanctum enshrines the presiding deity, Sathyagirisvarar in the form of Shiva Lingam. The Shiva Lingam is a rock cut Linga placed over a circular yonipitha. There is a separate east facing shrine for goddess Venuvaneswari situated opposite to the cave shrine. Her shrine consists of sanctum, artha mandapa and mukha mandapa. Pandyan era dvarapalikas can be seen guarding the entrance of the sanctum of her shrine.

The pillars of the mukha mandapa has sculptures of Vilakku Nachiyars (girls holding the lamp). Shrines and Idols of Bhanu Umapatheeswarar, Rajarajeshwari, Durga, Gajalakshmi, Murugan, Bhairavar, Suryan, Chandran, Vinayaga, Nataraja and Navagrahas can be seen in the temple premises. Theertham associated with this temple is Sathya Pushkarini. Sthala Vriksham is Bamboo Tree.