
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Siruvani Dam

Siruvani Dam
Siruvani dam is a dam in Palakkad DistrictKerala located 46 km away from Palakkad town. This dam constructed across the Siruvani River, is for supplying drinking water to the city of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. The dam is surrounded by reserve forests. Muthikulam hill is situated on the eastern side of the dam. There is a natural waterfall in the hill. The waterfalls and the Dam are big tourist attractions.

The famous 150 year old Pattiyar Bungalow is on the banks of the Siruvani Reservoir. An agreement was executed in August 1973 between the state Governments for drinking water supply to Coimbatore town and neighbouring areas from the Siruvani Dam. The location being in the state of Kerala, the project was executed by the Kerala Public Works Department utilizing the funds made available by the Tamil Nadu Government.
The Siruvani River is known for its tasty water, and it is claimed to be the second sweetest lake water in the world. It is one of the main sources of water for Coimbatore city. The Panoramic View of the dam and the falls is enchantingly beautiful. Majority of water from this area is used by Coimbatore City via the inlet from the reservoir.

It is 6 km from Karunya University. Sadivayal Check post is the gateway to the waterfalls. An entry fee for every person to enter is charged in this place.
The bus number 59 B, 14 E, Siruvani and Sadivayal buses ply at regular intervals from Coimbatore. Other interesting projects/places nearby are Parambikulam, Aliyar, Sholiyar, Palar rivers and Anaimalai Hill range.

Siruvani dam
Palakkad, Kerala
Water Supply
Opening date
Dam and spillways
Total capacity
255,000,000 m3(206,732 acre·ft)
Active capacity
184,200,000 m3(149,333 acre·ft)
You can witness Kerala and Tamil Nadu architectural styles on both sides of the road that leads to Siruvani Waterfalls and dam. The homes of Mudugars and Irulars, two tribal groups who are found here, are other attractions. However the most important and prominent attraction would be the view of the Siruvani river whose water is renowned for its taste and mineral properties. The scene of dam from the top of the waterfalls too remains highly attractive.
Swaddled by densely canopied hills and 46 kilometers away from Palakkad is Siruvani Dam. Constructed on the Siruvani River, it is considered to be Asia's purest water known for its ultimate sweetness. The dam is well connected by buses from Coimbatore. The only way to assure your participation is by booking yourself a spot on the safari vehicle in advance. Keep in mind that tourism is not quite a priority for the forest department here, so a limited number of trips are made as part of the Siruvani Dam Safari (each vehicle being able to accommodate between six and eight). Once in the vicinity of Siruvani, get to the first forest check post. Park your vehicle and purchase a ticket for the ride.

Then make your way to the pickup point where an official vehicle collects all participants at a designated time. The depths of these dense jungles are bereft of human habitation save a tribal community of 140. This safari falls in the league of the best that God's Own Country has to offer. Those fortunate enough to go on the Siruvani Dam Safari enjoy more than a fair chance of seeing the crème de la crème of species endemic to this biodiversity hotspot, namely the Western Ghats. Be it flora, fauna, avifauna, herpetofauna, amphibians, reptiles or fresh water fauna, 
The monsoon is so quaint that it's almost as if the thick white fog possesses elusive ability to transform these forests into wildly surreal landscapes. Even on your way to Siruvani, as you enter the Mannakkad Forest Division from the highway, you can feel a distinct drop in temperature. Words fall short in describing the satisfaction of this feeling. The safari is 19 kilometers in total and takes the well defined road that connects this region of Kerala to Coimbatore.

Out of use for more than two decades now, this road is being used solely as a safari route through reserve forest, gifting awestruck visitors the experience of these silently stirring jungles. The final destination is at the Tamil Nadu border from where Coimbatore is 30 kilometers. The Siruvani Dam rises against the backdrop of rolling hills kissed by tender clouds. A tiny, isolated island rests in the water of the reservoir as its undisturbed, muddy shores are contoured with wave action. While here, do not miss the opportunity to stroll through the bright green grasslands of Shola.

As panoramas of evergreens splay before you, deep in these grasslands lie your chance to see wild boar, sloth bear, lion tailed macaque, Nilgiri langur and Hanuman langur in the wild. Hundreds of birds, common and endemic, bring to life their natural soundtrack to Siruvani safari; of these the Malabar whistling thrush and Asian fairy blue bird are truly extraordinary sights This is a sufficiently grand consolation in light of the limitations of exploring the strictly protected forest reserve around here.

Operating Hours: Mon-Sun: 06:00 AM - 06:00 PM
When to Go: Monsoon
Nearest Town: Mannakkad
Location: Mannakkad
Altitude: 3171ft
Things to Carry: Water.
Safety: Safe
Nearest Petrol Bunk: Mannakkad
Terrain: Evergreen (Bio Diversity – Hot Spot)
Transportation: Motorable Road Up to View Point.
Mobile Coverage: Yes
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Nearest Bus Station: Mannakkad
Duration: 1 Day
Nearest Police Station: Karadikodu
Contact Information: Forest Office No: 04924-207100, Need To Do Advance Booking
Flora And Fauna: Birds: Nilgiri Wood-Pigeon, Malabar Parakeet, Malabar Grey Hornbill, White-Bellied Treepie, Grey-Headed Bulbul, Broad-Tailed Grassbird, Rufous Babbler, Wynaad Laughing Thrush, Nilgiri Laughing Thrush, Nilgiri Blue Robin, Black-And-Rufous Flycatcher, Nilgiri Flycatcher, White-Bellied Blue-Flycatcher, Crimson-Backed Sunbird And Nilgiri Pipit , Ceylon Frogmouth , Great Indian Hornbill , Long-Legged Buzzard, Sispara, Malabar Pied Hornbill, Pale Harrier ,Black-And-Orange Flycatcher And Black Bulbul. Mammals: Gaur , Lion-Tailed Macaque, Niligiri Langur, Malabar Giant Squirrel, Nilgiri Tahr, Peshwa’s Bat (Myotis Peshwa) And Hairy-Winged Bat , Tiger, Leopard, (Panther), Leopard Cat, Jungle Cat, Fishing Cat, Common Palm Civet, Small Indian Civet, Brown Palm Civet, Ruddy Mongoose, Stripe-Necked Mongoose, Dhole, Clawless Otter, Sloth Bear, Small Travancore Flying Squirrel, Indian Pangolin (Scaly Anteater), Porcupine, Wild Boar, Sambar, Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Mouse Deer, Elephant, Hanuman Langur And Bonnet Macaque
Tips & Alerts: Need To Do Advance Booking For Safari .
Interesting Facts: Siruvani Dam Water Is Asia's 1st Purest Water, In Monsoon One Can See Many Falls, Amazing Place To Visit In Palakkad.

Fees And Reservation: Rs 1600 For Vehicle Min 8 Members , Entry Rs 20 , Camera Rs 25