
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Annamalaiyar Temple – Third Prakaram – Kalahasthiswarar Shrine

Annamalaiyar Temple – Third Prakaram – Kalahasthiswarar Shrine
In front of the Kodimaram mandapam & to the east of the Unnamulai Temple and at a distance of a few yards stands the Kalahasthiswarar shrine facing west. It has a garbhagriha and antarala. A small mandapam is in front of the antarala supported by four pillars. The adhishtana exhibits the following parts – upana, jagati, kanta, tripatta kumuda, Patti and Kapota.

The exterior surfaces of the walls contain pilasters at the concerns both on the antarala and garbagraha. On the garbagraha, there is the Nagara vimana. Nandi is placed in the front pillared mandapa, besides one in the antarala.
The Nandi located in the front mandapam—is of particular interest as that statue is very long with short horns. 

Including the adjacent quadrangle, there are a total of four shrines which represent the elements. The Kalahasthiswarar Shrine stands for the element Vayu (air).