
Friday, February 26, 2016

Goddess Saraswathi Temple, Koothanur – Worship & Festivals

Goddess Saraswathi Temple, Koothanur – Worship & Festivals
The temple buzzes with activity during Saraswathi Pooja and Vijayadasami. Apart from these Poojas are performed daily in the morning at 9.30 (Kalasandhi), evening at 6.30 (Sayarakshai) and in the night at 8.30 (Arthajamam).
On all nine days Navarathri festival, Ambal is bedecked specially and special poojas performed. Maha Ganapathi was taken in procession in all directions of town. On Saraswathi Pooja Day and Vijayadasami Day, Maha Saraswathi is taken out in procession on the swan. In particular, devotees perform pooja directly to the beautifully decorated extended feet of the goddess on Saraswathi pooja Day. On each full moon day, special poojas are done for her. For growing children especially, she confers her benevolence that day to gain in intelligence. Life can be journey of happiness and worships her on her Birth star day-Moolam.
Though one can worship here on all days of the week, Wednesdays are specify chosen for excellence in education and knowledge. Devotees throng the temple on Vijaya Dasami Day with their children and begin their studies with a pooja at the feet of the Goddess others, who are not able to come in Day, choose some other auspicious day to start their children’s education. It is indeed a wonderful sight to see hundreds of children seeking her blessings by placing their text books, note books, pencils and pens at her feet daily, and gain excellence in education and knowledge, the prime base for improvement in life.
Many schools and college students place their hall tickets at the feet of the goddess to pray for success in their exams. In fact, some students go to the extent of leaving their names, addresses and exam roll numbers written on paper and dropping them in the Hundial of temple. Children wanting to excel in the fields of music, dance and drama, inaugurate and continue to perform here on Vijaya Dhasami Day and other auspicious days on their instruments. The sight of devotees with dump children praying for them scan indeed be soul stirring.
Children wanting to excel in the fields of music, dance and drama, inaugurate and continue to perform here on Vijaya Dhasami Day and other auspicious days on their instruments. The sight of devotees with dump children praying for them scan indeed be soul stirring. Devotees within and abroad, who have had her munificent blessings, have narrated wonderfully blissful experiences, because people now fully realize that a good education has a special value worldwide.
Her grace extending beyond age, wealth and religion or castle is well known throughout the world. By worshipping her here at Koothanur, it has been established that children can do well in studies, reaching top ranks, improve in education and knowledge and be gift to their parents.
The kumbhabhishekam was conducted in the temple in 1941, 1968, 1987 and 2003. Great people like Ottakkoothar, Ovathakoothar, and Purushothaman Bharathi have worshipped here. The grace of the Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt is being bestowed on the temple authorities. Abishekams and special poojas are offered to goddess on Moola Nakshatra days (Sarswathi’s birth star), full moon days and Wednesdays. 
Navarathri / Dussehra:
Navarathri is celebrated for 18 days in Saraswathy Temple in Koothanur. On the day of Vijayadasami, (10th day), special pujas are performed, especially for children beginning their education.
Special Poojas:

When the star Moolam occurs on Full Moon days and all Poornimas, special pujas are performed. The temple is crowded on Wednesdays, the day of the planet Budhan (Mercury), considered to be the authority of knowledge. Also Tamil and English New Year days are celebrated in the temple.