
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ashtabujakaram (Sri Aadhikesava Perumal Temple), Kanchipuram – The Temple

Ashtabujakaram (Sri Aadhikesava Perumal Temple), Kanchipuram – The Temple 
The temple is known as ‘Ashtabujakaram’ as Lord Aadhikesava Perumal is seen with 8 hands holding 8 weapons. This temple is in Vishnu Kanchi. The temple has a small tank in front of it and has three gopurams. The three-tier Gopuram is beautifully engraved with sculptors in amazing color combinations.

There is a separate shrine for Alamelumangai. Other name of the mother is Padmasani. The temple also has shrines dedicated to Bhuvaraha, Hanuman, AlwarsAndalChakra and Sarabeswara. The specialty of this temple is that the sun rays falls directly into the sanctum of Lord Adi Kesava Perumal for a whole week during the month of mid-September to mid-October and mid-March to mid-April.

Sri Aadhikesava Perumal Temple is glorified in the early canon, the Nalayira Divya Prabandham and the hymns were sung by the Azhwars, the great saints. The Pushkarani (temple tank) of Sri Aadhikesava Perumal Temple is called as Gajendra Pushkarani. The Vimanam (the tower above the sanctum sanctorum) of Aadhikesava Perumal Temple is called as Ganganakkruthi, Sanganakkruthi Vimanam.

In Ashtabujakaram Temple, Lord Vishnu is seen with 8 hands. He holds Chakram, Sword, a Flower and an Arrow on the 4 right hands and Sangu, Bow, Kedayam (which is used to protect while fighting using a sword) and Gadha (Which can be found along with Hanuman and Bhima).

All the eight things (or) Ayudham (weapon) found on the hands of the Perumal is called as “Divya Ayudha Azhwargal”. This is the only Divya Desam in Kanchipuram that has a Swarga Vaasal (Gateway to Heaven).