
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Andankoil Swarnapureewarar Temple, Valangaiman – Legends

Andankoil Swarnapureewarar Temple, Valangaiman – Legends
Story behind the name Andavankoil:
It was the time when emperor Muchukunda was building a temple for Lord Thyagaraja in Tiruvarur. His minister Kandadevar went to the foot hills to get stones. It became dark then. He would not have his dinner without Shiva darshan. So he simply sat on the side path to relax and slept. Lord Shiva appeared in his dream and said that he was near the Vanni tree there and advised him to have the darshan and have his food. The minister found a Shivalinga near the Vanni tree.
Immediately, he began to collect one stone and one spoon (Karandi in Tamil) lime (cement) from each cart going to Tiruvarur and built this temple. Later, the minister told the story to the king and requested him to pay a visit to his temple. After seeing the temple, the king demanded the minister to pay him the cost incurred and also the Dharma he earned in building he temple back to him. The minister replied that he could not part with the dharma he had earned in building the temple though willing to give his life.
The king said that the temple was built with funds stolen from him and ordered his men to behead the minister in front of the temple itself. Muchukunda’s men executed the order. While falling, the head cried ‘Andava’ – My Lord. The king realized that he had killed a true Shiva devotee and wanted to pay for his sin by stabbing himself. Lord appeared before him saying that king and minister should be like husband and wife and restored the minister to life back. Hence, the place is named Andavankoil.
Sage Kashyapa worshipped Lord Shiva here:
Sage Kashyapa had worshipped Lord Shiva in this temple.