
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sowmiya Narayana Perumal Temple, Thirukoshtiyur – Literary Mention

Sowmiya Narayana Perumal Temple, Thirukoshtiyur – Literary Mention
The temple is piously praised in the hymns of celebrated Vaishnavite Saints Periazhwar, Tirumazhisai Azhwar, Bhoothathazhwar and Peyazhwar as a place where nightingales are heard singing the glory of Lord Perumal.
·        Nammalvar - 10 paasurams.
·        Periyalwar - 21 paasurams.
·        Thirumangaialwar - 13 paasurams.
·        Boodathalwar - 2 Paasurams.
·        Peiyalwar - 1 Paasuram.
·        Thirumazhisaialwar - 1 Paasuram. 
·        Total - 48 Paasurams.
Pallaandu Verse praising Thiru Koshtiyur Lord:
அவ் வழக்கு ஒன்றுமில்லா அணி கோட்டியர்
கோன் அபிமானதுங்கன், செல்வனைப் போல
திருமாலே நானும் உனக்கு பழவடியேன்
நல் வகையால் நமோ நாராயணா வென்று
நாமம் பல பரவி
பல்வகையாலும் பவித்தரனே
உன்னைப் பல்லாண்டு கூறுவனே
In the Tirupallandu verse, Periazhwar says that having seen him here at Thiru Koshtiyur, he too like the faultless Thiru Koshtiyur Nambi will become a faithful Servant of the Lord and that he will forever chant and spread the Om Namo Narayana mantra as well as the several other names of the Lord with the sole aim of relinquishing all other unwanted desires in life. 
In addition to Periyazhvar, Four other Azhvaars - Thirumangai Azhvaar, Peyazhwar, Thirumazhisai Azhvaar and Boothath Azhvaar have sung praise of the Thiru Koshtiyur Lord in a total of 40 verses.
Periyazhvar visualized ‘Aayarpadi’ when he saw Thiru Koshtiyur:
வண்ண மாடங்கள் சூழ் திருகோட்டியூர்
கண்ணன் கேசவன் நம்பி பிறந்தினில்
எண்ணெய் சுண்ணம் எதிரெதிர் தூவிடக்
கண்ணன் முற்றம் கலந்து அளறு ஆயிற்றே
When Periyazhvar visited Thiru Koshtiyur for the first time, it was Krishna Jayanthi period and the whole place was agog with a festival atmosphere with people singing and dancing around bringing back memories of the young and playful Krishna. Periyazhvar visualized Thiru Koshtiyur as ‘Aayarpadi’ and sung praise of this place referring to this as ‘one with big mansions’.