
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sowmiya Narayana Perumal Temple, Thirukoshtiyur – Religious Practises & Festivals

Sowmiya Narayana Perumal Temple, Thirukoshtiyur – Religious Practises & Festivals
The temple follows the traditions of the Thenkalai sect of Vaishnavite tradition and follows Vaikasana Aagama. In modern times, the temple priests perform the pooja (rituals) during festivals and on a daily basis. As at other Vishnu temples of Tamilnadu, the priests belong to the Vaishnavaite community, a Brahmin sub-caste.
Six daily rituals are held at various times of the day and many yearly festivals are held at the temple, of which the float festival during the Tamil month of Masi (February – March), Navarathri during September – October and Vaikunta Ekadasi during Margazhi (December – January) being the most prominent. There are weekly, monthly and fortnightly rituals performed in the temple.