Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Adhi Kesava Perumal Temple, Koovathur – Legends

Adhi Kesava Perumal Temple, Koovathur – Legends


As per legend, the eight holy rivers of India namely Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi, Sarayu, Godavari, Narmada, Tungabhadra, Kaveri felt that they had become dirty due to the bathe of the devotees to get relief from their sins. The rivers wanted to cleanse themselves. They approached Lord Brahma and sought his advice for relief. Lord Brahma advised them to go to earth and meet Sage Vedaghosha for a solution. As advised, the rivers came to earth in search of Sage Vedaghosha. They found Sage Vedaghosha in his ashram in a forest worshipping Lord Adhi Kesava Perumal.

The rivers explained their problems to him and sought him a remedy for their problems. Sage Vedaghosha advised them to stay in their ashram and offer their prayer to Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal sincerely for relief. As advised, the eight rivers took the form of eight women and prayed to Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal in the form of service like abhishekam, cleaning the ashram and vessels, decorating the ashram, creating nandavanam, growing fruits and vegetables for the offering  and singing hymns in praise of the Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal.

Pleased with their prayers and service, Lord Adhi Kesava Perumal appeared before them and promised that their sins accumulated on the day and night due to the bathing of the humans would be removed next day by the time of sunrise. They would be in their purest form again. Before returning to their respective places, they thanked Veda Ghosha and promised that they will stay in this temple in the form of 8 wells and who ever take bath in all the 8 wells and pray Adhi Kesava Perumal will get rid of all their sins. The holy rivers thanked the Lord Adhi Kesava Perumal and Sage Vedaghosha.

In gratitude, the eight rivers promised to stay here in the form of eight wells. Further, they also promised that anyone who bathe in these wells and worship Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal would be bestowed with the benefits of bathing in these eight rivers. The names of the rivers are written on the wells in the prakara. It is said that these rivers worshipped Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal here and got his dharshan on a Panguni Uthiram day at sunset. The word Koovam in Tamil means well. As eight holy rivers took the form of wells here, the place came to be called as Koovathur.

Matru Shapam Parihara Sthalam:

As per legend, Lord Rama was afflicted with brahmahatya dosha for killing the Ravana. In order to get rid of the brahmahatya dosha, Lord Rama wanted to perform Shiva Puja and requested Anjaneya to bring a Shiva Linga from Kashi. As Anjaneya was not able to come in time with the Shiva Linga, Mother Sita made a Shiva Linga with the sand and Lord Rama began the poojas to this sand Shiva Linga created by Sita. When Hanuman returned, he saw that the lingam had already been installed and the prayers were complete.

He was upset with Mother Sita as his Shivalinga could not be used for the puja. Seeing his disappointment, Lord Rama asked him to install the Lingam he had brought and worshipped that Lingam as well. Anjaneya realized his mistake and was ashamed of his action. Further, he felt that he had done wrong to mother and began going places to cleanse himself of the sin of being angry with Mother Sita. Finally, he reached this temple in Koovathur, took bath in the eight wells and worshipped Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal sincerely for relief.

Pleased with his prayers, Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal appeared before Anjaneya and relieved him from the dosha of being angry with Mother Sita. Further, Anjaneya sought a boon from Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal that anyone who had not taken care of their mother, or not performed service to them while alive, or their rites after their death, can be relieved of the Matru Shapam by worshipping Lord Adhi Kesava Perumal here.

Yudhistra got relief of his curse here:

As per legend, Yudhistra came to know that Karna was his elder brother after the end of Mahabharata war. He got furious that his mother Kunthi had not revealed tha fact to him and cursed that no woman could withhold any secrets from others. The curse came down upon all women in his empire. Due to this curse, all the houses in the kingdom suffered. The women came together to see Yudhistra and informed him about their troubles.

Further, they cursed Yudhistra for their problems. The curse given the women of his kingdom pushed him in eternal misery. On seeing the condition of  Yudhistra, Lord Krishna took pity on him and advised Yudhistra to worship Aadhi Kesava Perumal at Koovathur. As advised, he came to Koovathur, worshipped Aadhi Kesava Perumal and was relieved from his curse.

Budhan Parihara Sthalam:

As per legend, Budha worshipped Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal here. Hence, this temple is considered as parihara sthalam for Budha dosha.

People worshipped Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal here:

It is believed that Hanuman, Sage Vedaghosha, Sage Narada, Budhan Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswathi, Sarayu, Godavari, Narmada, Tungabhadra, Kaveri and Yudhistra had worshipped Lord Aadhi Kesava Perumal here.