Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Swayambhu Nathar Temple, Thiruvilayattam – Legends

Swayambhu Nathar Temple, Thiruvilayattam – Legends

Swayambhu Nathar:

In ancient times, this place was a dense forest and preferred place for hunting among the warrior class. Once, Chola King visited this place along with his soldiers for hunting. During the hunting expedition, the king got separated from his soldiers and was wandering in the forest alone. The hoof of his horse hit an unknown object. The king noticed blood was oozing out from the object. The bewildered king got down from his horse and found a Shiva Lingam bleeding there.

The king immediately plucked some herbs from forest and applied the herbs on the bleeding spot in the Lingam and stopped the bleeding. By then his soldiers had arrived at the scene in search of him. The king decided to shift the Lingam to his capital and build a temple in his capital. He ordered the soldiers to excavate the Lingam. The soldiers could not able to locate the peedam of the lingam.

The king realized that Lord Shiva wanted to reside in the very same place. So, he built a temple on the same place. As Lord Shiva appeared as Swayambhu (self-manifested) at this place, Lord Shiva came to be called as Swayambhu Nathar and the place came to be called as Perumulai (Mulai means sprout in Tamil). As Lord Shiva performed his holy play (Thiruvilayadal) during hunting, the place came to be called as Thiruvilayattam.

Mada Kovils:

Kochengat Chola was an early Chola king and one of the 63 Nayanmars (Saivite saints) of Saivism. He is believed to have attained spiritual rebirth of a spider that fought with an elephant in its previous birth over the worship of the Lord Shiva. He had red eyes during birth as he remained in his mother’s womb a little longer. His mother, looking into the baby red eyes said Kochengkannano (in Tamil Ko=king, Cheng=red, Kan=eyes), which literally means king with red eyes and hence he was named Kochengat Cholan. After becoming a king, he followed Saivism and built 70 Maadakovils, temples with elevated structure where elephants cannot reach the sanctum, in the Chola empire. It is believed that this is one of the temple built by him.

Mullaivana Nayagi:

As per legend, Goddess Parvathy worshipped Lord Shiva in the form of Mullai flower in Mullai forest here. Hence, Goddess Parvathy came to be called as Mullaivana Nayagi and the place came to be called as Mullaiyur.

Indra worshipped Lord Shiva here:

As per legend, Indra along with his wife visited this place and worshipped Lord Shiva here.