Sunday, October 23, 2022

Shikanathar Temple Complex, Kudumiyanmalai – Legends

Shikanathar Temple Complex, Kudumiyanmalai – Legends


As per legend, a Pandyan king used to visit this temple daily in the evening to offer his worship. The priest used to give flowers as prasada to the king after his worship. The priest had a lover who would visit the temple for worship as well as for meeting his lover. One day, the priest was waiting for the king and the king did not turn up, but his lover came for the worship. The priest gave the flower intended for the prasada to the king to his lover. After her worship, both were talking happily about themselves. When she was about to leave, the king entered into the temple for his regular worship.

The priest got scared and hurriedly took the flowers from the head of his lover, offered to Lord and gave as prasada to the king. The king noticed a strand of hair in the flowers and enquired about the strand of hair in the flowers. The terrified priest lied to the king that the hair might have come from the Kudumi (tuft) of Lord Shiva. The king got curious and wanted to see the tuft by himself. The priest promised to show the tuft next day. The king locked the priest inside the temple and said that he would come tomorrow to see the tuft of Lord Shiva.

The frightened priest prayed to Lord Shiva whole night to save him from the impending danger. The king arrived next day and found a tuft on the Linga. When the king tried to pull the tuft, the blood started oozing out from the Linga. Thus, Lord Shiva came to be called as Kudumiyar / Shikanathar and the place came to be called as Kudumiyanmalai / Shikanallur. Kudumi means mount in Tamil. As the temple was located near a mount, he might have been praised as Kudumiyar.

Thiru Nala Kundram:

As per legend, Emperor Nala suffered from the malefic effects of Saneeswarar worshipped Lord Shikanathar for relief. Thus, the place came to be called as Thiru Nala Kundram. Those facing the adverse aspects of Sani Bhagwan pray here for relief.