Monday, September 4, 2017

Vayalur Murugan Temple – Legends

Vayalur Murugan Temple – Legends
Lord Shiva appeared as Swayambu to a Chola King:
According to a hearsay story, a Chola King came to this spot in search of water to quench his thirst after long hunting. He found a sugar cane with three branches and wanted to squeeze and drink the juice. When he broke it, blood sprang from the Sugarcane and after digging the ground, a Shiva Linga was found. The king built a temple on the spot.
Lord Muruga instructed Sage Arunagiri Nathar to visit Vayalur:
After protecting sage Arunagiri when he fell from the tower of the Tiruvannamalai temple, Lord Muruga gave the first line to enable him to sing his praise and directed him to come to Vayalur. Arunagiriar came to Vayalur; he sought his permission to pray first Poyya Ganapathi, which was granted. He sang few hymns; later Ganesa appeared in his dreams and blessed him to sing Thiruppugazh uninterruptedly.
He had sang as many as eighteen hymns, praising Vel in his hand, the Kadamba flower garland around his neck, his holy feet and twelve shoulders as well as Lord Siva, Adhinathar, the presiding deity, narrating him as Agneeswarar (Thiruvakkeesar). Lord Muruga wrote the Pranava Mantra on the tongue of Arunagiriar with his weapon Vel. In the long volume of Thirupugazh, Vayalur has a special place of importance. 
Kripanandavariar contribution to Vayalur Temple:
It is due to the personal devotion and dedication of the great Muruga devotee Sri Kripanandavariar, who lived in the last century, Vayalur came to be known as a temple of great reputation among the Muruga temples in the state of Tamilnadu.
Lord Muruga worshipped Lord Shiva here:
Lord Muruga worshipped his father Lord Shiva here.