Friday, January 18, 2019

Danda Theertham, Srimushnam, Cuddalore

Danda Theertham, Srimushnam, Cuddalore
Danda Theertham is a Holy pond sacred to Madhwa Sect, located in Srimushnam in Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu. Once, Sri Madhwacharya was camping in Srimushnam, observing the Chathur Masa Vratha. To quench the thirst of a pregnant lady, he struck his sannyasi danda to the ground and miraculously abundance of fresh water emerged. This Holy Spot came to be called as Danda Theertham. To this day, Danda Theertham, provides the best pure drinking water in this locality. Danda Theertham is situated at about 1.5 Kms from Bhu Varaha Swamy Temple, Srimushnam.

For brief details, please refer below link;