Friday, January 8, 2021

Aadhi Kesava Perumal Temple, Kattu Parur – Legends

Aadhi Kesava Perumal Temple, Kattu Parur – Legends

Kalinga Nardana Gopala:

Once, an elder person from Veeraperumanallur was afflicted with severe stomach pain. He was not able to eat anything because of his stomach pain. On the advice of a person, he came to Kattu Parur and worshipped Adhi Kesava Perumal. He worshipped Lord for seven days still his pain was not subsidized. The elder person on the eighth day took bath in temple tank and came for worship.

He said to Perumal that he came here with a belief that Perumal would relieve him from this stomach pain. Further he stated that there is fault in his devotion towards Perumal. Finally, he cut his tongue, kept in betel leave and offered to Perumal. He started to circumbulate the temple. Lord Vishnu moved by his devotion, restored back his tongue and provided relief to his stomach pain. As a thanksgiving, the elder person made a Utsava idol of Kalinga Nardana Gopala and offered to this Temple.

Swayambhu Perumal:

As per legend, the villagers dug an irrigation canal for agricultural activities in 15th century CE. While digging, the shovel hit a stone and blood started oozing out. The person who dug the canal got possessed and said that Adhi Kesava Perumal took residence here. Further, he instructed to build a temple for Lord Vishnu. The villagers carefully excavated the place and found the stone. They installed this stone in the sanctum and built the temple.

Vishnu Pada:

It is said that Vemana, a Yogi from Andhra Pradesh, came here, took bath in Temple Tank and installed Vishnu Pada on the southern side of the tank. He performed Pooja to this Vishnu Pada. it is a practice here that Pooja to Perumal is performed after the Pooja to this Vishnu Pada.