Sunday, July 17, 2016

St. Michael Church, Tharuvaikulam, Thoothukudi

St. Michael Church, Tharuvaikulam, Thoothukudi
St. Michael Church is located in Tharuvaikulam Village of Thoothukudi District. The first stone built church was built in the year 1875 and the present church was built in the year 1922. The 85 ft. tower was built in the year 1960 by Rev.Fr.Maria Manikam by receiving contributions from the villagers. This Roman Catholic Church, with its towering steeple, was built in 1922 and symbolizes the faith of the people living there. From 20 to 29 September (10 days) the church attracts a huge crowd for the feast of St. Michael, which is celebrated with religious pomp and gaiety.

Tharuvaikulam had been one of the 16 substations of Thoothukudi since 1908. Then the number of Catholics here was 757. It is known that about 25 families of the marginalized people settled here in 1692. In 1712 Hindu Nadars along with some Devar families came to settle in here. In time some catholic Nadar families also began to dwell in here to do the Palmyra-tapping occupation.

In 1826 Catholic Nadars distanced themselves to the east and settled in the place where the present village is. They built a stone church for themselves. In 1871 church of St. Michael was constructed. Some Protestants also settled there. In 1906 a school was built in the time of Fr. Swaminather, the first priest to serve here. Fr. J.S. Lourdu took charge as the first parish priest in 1918 and he laid the foundation for the new church. In 1920 for the time being the church was consecrated and its work was completed in 1932.

Servite convent was established in 1922. Fr. Maria Manickam built the steeple and it was consecrated by Fr. J.S. Lourdu. Fr. Panneerselvam was ordained as the first priest of Tharuvaikulam in 1982. Vincent de Paul society was instituted in 1983. In 1984 Fr. Sengolmani renovated St. Michael’s church.

Tharuvaikulam is located 10 km from the town Thoothukudi in sea shore of Bay of Bengal in Tamil Nadu, Ottapidaram Taluk.