Silent Valley National Park - Zonation
Core Zone
The core zone consist of Sairandhri, Poochippara,
Neelikkal and Walakkad Sections excluding an area of 5 Ha from Sairandhri
Section along the road from entry gate to Kunthipuzha which is added to the Tourism
Zone. Total extent of core having National Park status is thus 89.47 Km2.
Buffer Zone
Buffer zone consist of areas of Anavai Forest Station
and Thudukki Forest Station of Bhavani Range and buffer areas of Silent Valley
Range lying in Neelikkal, Poochippara and Walakkad Sections and the 5 ha area
(TOURISM ZONE) excluded from core of Sairandhri Section of Silent Valley
National Park. Total extents of the buffer zone include the high value
biodiversity conservation areas, which are proposed to be declared as core zone
in the future.