Government Museum, Pudukkottai
This Government Museum is a museum located in the town of Pudukkottai, Pudukkottai District. This is the second largest museum of Tamil Nadu after
Government Museum, Chennai. The museum is divided into sections covering zoology, geology, paintings, anthropology, and epigraphy.

Rare ancient stone and bronze sculptures are also found
here. The museum also houses a gallery in which various historical paintings
are displayed. The museum is located at new street in Pudukkottai. The Ramanathapuram
highway is one of the major roads passing near this museum.

The Government Museum at Pudukkottai in the state of
Tamil Nadu was established in the year 1910. It is a multipurpose museum.

It is located in Thirugokarnam. It was opened in 1910. It
consists of different sections like
· Arts and
Industries-representing local arts and industries with specimens from outside
the State for comparison and study
· Economic section
containing a representative collection of local cereals, fibers etc.
The Natural History
· Ethnology – with a fine
selection of arms and armour and of musical instruments
Numismatics – a fairly
representative collection of Indian coins
· Archaeology – illustrative
of the large field of ancient monuments and sculpture for which the State is
Reference library
The museum has developed largely in recent years and is
well worth visiting. It is open to the public on all days except Sundays and
State holidays.

Interested people may visit the museum between 9:30am to
5pm. The museum remains closed on Fridays, second Saturdays, Republic Day,
Independence Day and also on Gandhi Jayanthi.

Geographic Location
Pudukkottai Government museum is located at
10°23'20.4"N 78°47'59.2"E or 10.388988, 78.799789.